Your pain,
your treatment

Pain is a four letter word but it shouldn’t be a dirty one!

Se habla español!

Dr. Lockett's Transfer Patients Welcome

Our Mission Statement

The mission of Compassion care is to provide a multi dimensional and holistic approach to treating patients with chronic pain.

Ultimately it is our greatest goal and desire to help our patients have the best life possible with as little pain has possible.

What is Pain?

Chronic Pain is defined as pain that persist after 90 days.

PAIN is complicated and subjective. In general it is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience primarily associated with tissue, bone or nerve damage More than 50 million Americans have chronic pain.

Our Approach

The Components Our Approach Includes:

1) Medical evaluations and medications
2) Exercise and massage therapy
3) Psychological evaluations, support and counseling

Medical Evaluations

Our doctors and nurse practitioners examine each patient, review previous medical and diagnostic records, then determine what is the best medication regimen for each patient.


Goal: To obtain the best level of pain management with the least amount of medications, and to maintain the best quality of life possible.

To obtain pain relief and improve physical and psycho-social functioning.

To utilize other proven methods and modalities for pain control as part of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to pain management.

Beyond Medication

What We Offer Our Patients:

Massage and Exercise Therapy

Our in-house massage therapist works one on one with our patients to facilitate muscle relaxation, treat trigger points, and help stretch muscles for increased pain management. Modalities such as TENS units, ultrasound, hot and cold packs are used.


Chronic pain is hard enough to manage. Emotional pain only makes things worse. Our on site Psychologist works directly with our patients to help them cope with life and pain.

Medication Management

This is of course the mainstay of chronic pain management.
Our professional staff will make sure the best regimen for you is prescribed.

We Listen To You!

Becoming a Patient

Background Checks

In light of the epidemic of opioid misuse and diversion, we screen our patients with a background check. Don’t worry we never turn away a patient because of a background issue. We will, however, if there is an issue , use our in-house monitoring system we call TierII, or we may not treat with medications known to be diverted on the street for sale.

Drug Screens

Drug screens will be required as a new patient and then randomly obtained throughout the year. The purpose of the screen is to identify that the medications prescribed are being taken and also to make sure other medications or illicit substances are not being taken. If any irregularities occur during a drug screen, a patient may be required to any one of the following. 1. Come in again in 2 weeks for another screen. 2. Be placed in our in- house high risk program called Tier II. Be discharged from practice pending an evaluation and recommendation to continue treatment by a certified addictionologist. 3. Be discharged completely from practice. The circumstances of the irregularity will determine which one of these courses of action be applied.

Age Requirement

Our Patients must be 25 years of age or older.

ID Requirement

Bring in a valid Florida ID or Driver’s License.

Diagnostics Requirement

Please bring in your recent MRI’s or diagnostic test of the specified area of pain. If you have none, we will order on your first visit if needed.

Medical Records

We want to know as much about your medical problems and the history of the pain you need treatment for.

Medical records will be requested from your Primary Care Physician, Surgeon, Hospital or other Specialist.

We treat conditions such as, but not limited to the following:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer
  • Systemic Lupus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis and other connective tissue diseases
  • Nephropathy
  • Vertebral Disc Disease
  • Failed back surgery syndrome
  • Chronic Migraines

The kind of pain we treat

  • Chronic Pain
  • Neuropathic Pain “Nerve Pain”
  • Muscular Pain
  • Joint Pain
  • Post-Surgical Pain
  • Pain when surgery is not an option

Medical Director

Sydel LeGrande, M.D.

Dr. LeGrande is a Family Practitioner and has been in practice for over 30 years.
Her approach to health care has always been holistic. She believes that health care should be geared
toward treating the whole person, Spirit, Soul and Body

General Practitioner

Antonio Castillo


Hablo Español

Nurse Practitioner

Sade Bellmany


General Practitioner

Antonio Castillo


Hablo Español

Nurse Practitioner

Sade Bellmany


We are here For You

Got Questions?

Fill in the form and we will get back at

you as soon as possible.

Home Page Contact Form

 Working hours

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

Our Tampa Location

2822 W. Virginia Ave, Tampa, FL 33607
Tampa Phone Number

Our St. Petersburg Location

3801 34th St. S, St. Petersburg, FL 33711
  St. Petersburg Phone Number:

Our St. Petersburg Location

3801 34th St. S, St. Petersburg, FL 33711
St. Petersburg Office:
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